Recreation Advisory Committee


LOCATION OF MEETING: Sharon Community Center


DATE & TIME: December 22 , 2011  7:00 PM





  1. Call to Order at 7:00 PM

Present: Gary, Mike, Gail, Margaret, Steve, Mitch, Rick, Ben, Brett

Not Present: Neil, Fred

  1. Committee Appointments

The Board of Selectmen appointed Margaret Marder to the Committee and re-appointed Fred. Each has a three year term. The Committee welcomed Margaret.

  1. Approval of Minutes from November 2011

Gail made a motion to accept the amended minutes as is. Mitch 2nd. Motion approved 6-0.

  1. Community Center Weekend Usage

Brett presented a plan that would start off small on just on Saturday mornings and it could grow as the popularity grew. Brett described what he envisioned. He asked to consider a 19 hour position to be added to the Recreation Department to cover weekend hours and evening hours at the Community Center. The evening hours coverage for the building is needed as only the night custodian is there presently. This person could handle night programs, registration, beach tag sales, questions about Ballroom rentals and help market Ballroom rentals.

Maura Palm (Recreation Secretary) added that this is needed as only five rentals are booked for all of 2012. She added that there is not enough storage space in the building for what this department should have or needs. If spinning bikes are purchased and put in room 12 then the ping pong tables need to move. The elimination of the game room was talked about.

Usage for groups on the weekends was talked about. What happened here in the past was also talked about. Amanda Deni (Recreation Assistant Director) was asked to reach out to our existing instructors and speak to them about weekend hours and if they would be interested in offering programs. Teen dances, teen nights were also briefly discussed.






The Committee also why Room 11 is being used for storage rather than program space. The Committee asked why the Assistant Director is not located in the office space behind the Recreation Office. They asked that Brett look into reclaiming both room 11 and the back office space for Recreation and move the Assistant Director downstairs. Brett noted he was against doing of both of those things. Brett stated that Eric Hooper is in charge of this building. The Committee asked that Eric come to a future meeting to discuss.

The Committee was asked to come up with ideas for usage in the building for the next meeting.

  1. Assistant Director Report

Amanda gave her report. She explained what she has done in the last month. Gary asked that in the future the Committee gets the report in advance.

  1. Community Preservation

Mark Bluestein, Recreation’s Representative to the CPC. Mark came to explain what the CPC does and how the Recreation Department might be able to access funds for projects.

Previous projects that fall under Recreation were playground at Heights, Ames Street Playground and Horizons.

Margaret asked about possible usage for the Sacred Heart building.

The Committee was asked to come up with ideas for possible CPC projects for the next meeting.

  1. Director’s Report

Committee asked for clarification on the meeting that took place about Rec Basketball gym times at the Sharon Schools.

  1. Summer 2012

Brett presented an outline for additional hours for staffing at Memorial. The additional two hours daily (6-8 PM) for the duration of the season if staffed properly with two gate guards, two lifeguards and a supervisor would cost over $8,000. Brett stated that we barely cover our costs as it is now without this added expense.

Rick proposed that we don’t start staffing the beach at 9AM instead of 10 AM. Rick also suggested that we only have extended hours on weekends instead of all week. Rick also proposed not having extended hours during the pre-season. Rick also suggested that we have only a gate guard on to check passes, no other staff. Ben said he would have to check with counsel on that. Steve suggested that we have extended hours only when the temperatures rise and demand is up.

  1. Basketball 2011/12

Brett stated that we have 24 more players this year vs last year. Brett also expressed frustration in dealing with the changes from the Sharon High School in regards to usage of gym space due to the Middle School Gym not being on-line as of yet. There have been three changes to times and locations since the start of the season.

  1. Old Business

Mitch updated the Committee on the search for the new Athletic Director. He said a search committee is being formed.

  1. New Business
  2. Motion made to adjourn after a short tour of the building to see space issues by Mitch. 2nd by Mike. Motion passed 6-0.


Next Meeting is Thursday, January 19, 2011  at 7:00 PM.